Phone: 5442 7602
Mobile: 0404 007 899
Pregnancy to birth
Chiropractic is safe and gentle for healthy development
Spinal Alignment improves
Communication between your brain and your body
Chiropractic reduces stress,
Emotional, physical & chemical sources
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Caring for you!

Dr Jodi has been established on the Sunshine Coast since 2004 and prides herself on providing exceptional spinal health care, and is an award winner of the Sunshine Coast Business in Excellence Awards.

Jodi is also an intensive care registered nurse since 1995 with extensive knowledge of neurology and spinal surgery. 

With an excellent reputation within the community for Jodi’s extensive knowledge of chiropractic techniques (Sacro-occipital technique (SOT), Activator, Applied Kinesiology and Neuro-emotional technique (NET)) with a vast following of positive clients who have embraced chiropractic care. Jodi also uses muscle release techniques with a variety of stretches to help spinal and muscle rehabilitation.
Jodi enjoys a close working cross referral relationship with the local medical and specialty health centres. 

Your brain needs to integrate all sensory information in order to accurately move your body correctly.

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newborn chiropractic elderly sports doonan

Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your nervous system controls the function of every living cell, tissue, muscle and organ and coordinates the function of the body to respond to its environment, good health depends on this.

Throughout life the human spine and nervous system are subject to stress and deterioration from factors such as repetitive activities, trauma, poor posture and nutrition and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. This impacts your physical, emotional and psychological well being. 90% of people have poor posture often as a result of everyday activities, the way we sit, walk, sleep and work all have an impact on our posture.

Back pain is the third most common reason for taking time off work. Poor posture can lead to tension headaches, fatigue and back, neck and shoulder pain and range of other symptoms.

Chiropractic care aims to enhance the function of your body mechanics by removing spinal interference and enhancing your body’s ability to heal and function at its optimal performance, so you feel and perform at your best every day.