Having a baby is an exciting, important and amazing time in a person’s life. The physical challenges a mother undergoes with ligament laxity and muscle and joint strain all play significant pressure on a pregnant woman’s spine and pelvis. This can increase spinal tension, cause muscle spasm and pelvic floor muscle weakness;in particular the sacroiliac joints can become separated and inflamed, causing a lot of low back and leg pain and discomfort. 60% of all woman experience significant back and pelvic pain during pregnancy. The weight distribution on the neuro muscular areas of the pelvis must be even and in alignment as research indicates that it can result in a 33% reduction in labour time, which is very significant to a pregnant mum. Keeping the pelvis and lumbar spine flexible and moving eases complications during birth and allows an easier delivery. Chiropractic is a safe and easy way to eliminate many of the pain and complaints of the pregnant mum. It is also beneficial to keep mum and baby in a minimal stress as when both are comfortable they are happy and healthy.
Special tables and pillows are used to accommodate a growing mothers belly, we also use special techniques designed to relax muscles.

During pregnancy, the body is overburdened by the weight of a growing baby. This places pressure on the spine and pelvis.

Common reasons for pregnant mothers see a chiropractor:
Symphysis pubis dysfunction,
Low back pain
Posterior baby
Headaches and neck tension
Carpel tunnel syndrome
Morning sickness and heart burn
Nutrition and exercise care
Swollen ankles and feet
Vertigo and dizziness